I grew up in a small town in Iowa in the 50's and 60's on a dead end street. We played in the street until dark most summer days and then would play hide and seek in the neighborhood with out fear of criminal activity.

Today I here of crimes in broad daylight... criminals are getting bolder and it's up to you and me to make it as hard as possible for them to succeed. Keeping windows locked and doors locked with deadbolts and where necessary double deadbolts. I recommend double deadbolts on doors where there is glass that can be broken for someone to reach in and unlock the door.

I was recently made aware of a product to keep from getting exterior doors kicked in..... the Door Devil... my wife won one online and we just installed it on the front door. Our garage doors swing out and are nearly impossible to kick in... and they have security hinges.

In any case as a locksmith I have been to police lockouts where time required me to have to kick in the front door. It may do damage to both the door and the jamb requiring replacement of one or both.

With this product the criminal is going to have to use more force than most people could muster without busting out a jam.

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